Mirko Fabian


Born to make an impact

About me

I’m Mirko a creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia. I’m a passionate and ambitious Multimedia-Designer, Photographer and Filmmaking. I’ve always been a creative problem solver. The spirit and visionary thinking of simplifying daily tasks and saving resources by completely digitalizing the way we interact with each other and track information fascinated me for many years. Since I’m completely self-taught in those professions I have a lot of experience in online education which led me to create my own online course to help others make a change in their lives through learning online. I believe everyone should have the chance to get a high and valuable education and this is possible with online self-education.

My Aim

I am dedicated to empowering individuals to make meaningful changes in their lives through the transformative power of online learning. My goal is to inspire and support creative individuals in pursuing their passions and achieving their goals. As a filmmaker and entrepreneur, I am committed to making a positive impact on both individuals and communities, fostering a world where everyone can freely express themselves and thrive in a supportive environment.

My Mission

I’m not only helping people make an impact in their life by teaching them how to make a career change through the power of online learning but helping creative individuals to pursue what they’re passionate about. 

My Purpose

As a filmmaker and as a man I am looking to make an impact on people and the community, not only through visual storytelling and my work behind the camera but also “off-camera” wherever helping hands are needed. That’s one of the reasons I joined the Lions Club, to help the community, to give something back, even when it’s just the little things or by capturing moments of kindness and tolerance. 

My Vision

I envision living in a country, and a world where everyone can express themselves without being judged or restricted as long as we keep a safe environment. I imagine living somewhere where people can live without being judged for who they are, getting the support they need and being able to do what they’re passionate about and love to do.