Mirko Fabian


Mirko Fabian

About me

I’m Mirko, a Multimedia Creative Professional & Entrepreneur.

I’m a native problem solver, once my goal is set I don’t give up until I achieve it. In these more and more challenging times, we have to think of new ways, unconventional ways to solve growing problems and overcome crises. In 2020 I used the given circumstances to evolve by changing careers through the power of online learning. I’m a believer in self-education and evolving on a constant base the reach our goals, both professionally and personally. I do Whatever It Takes, to get where I am meant to be.

I am seeking opportunities that not only challenge me but let me evolve as a person while using my expertise to help businesses to grow.

"Follow your heart, no matter how great the obsticlas might be and do Whatever It Takes."

My Professions & Skills


Portrait | Event | Corporate | Product

Besides doing client work like product photography, for example, I’m looking to shoot photos that have a “wow effect”, something that people not only touch but also inspire. Photography gives me the opportunity to show the world how I see and understand my environment. Capturing not only the beauty in nature but also creating a pleasing image that has the right “feel” to it. I prefer natural editing to enhance my photographs without making them look too artificial. 


Director | Cinematographer

I’ve been fascinated by filmmaking since childhood, which has developed into my greatest passion. My goal for each video I’m creating is to make it look and feel “right” with the style and music to create a unique experience that enhances the subject I cover in each video. 

I’m into filmmaking because of the deep emotional connection and impact a movie can have on its audience. Movies are the piece of art that people can embrace and feel when done right. There are still many original stories, that need to be told. Stories that help people who are part of minorities, stories about topics that haven’t been covered yet. I made it my mission to tell those stories that are worth being told. My goal is to help people who couldn’t identify with a character of a movie or a movie itself because it didn’t cover what they’ve experienced and been through. It’s time to create movies that have a deep emotional impact and at the same time a healing and understanding message to those who needed it most. That’s what drives me to become a filmmaker.

Through the power of online learning I acquired a wide field of skills and I’m eager to build upon them. My goal for my future is to create not only videos but rather films that inspire people in ways nobody else could ever achieve to do so. I see myself as a screenwriter and director who creates to feel right. Telling unique stories that help individuals understand themselves better. I see this as my mission and I’ll do Whatever It Takes to go for it. 


Branding | Web Design | Marketing Material

I chose to become a Multimedia-Designer because Graphic Design wasn’t enough for me. I was looking for something to that I can connect my passion for filmmaking. It’s more challenging to tackle multiple disciplines but I see it as an advantage to be able to combine multiple viewpoints into your work, not only through filmmaking but also through my photography. Creating a logo, a website or an image film is no big deal for me. 

Online Course Instructor

Transform your life through the power of online self-education

Since I’m a self-taught creative professional and entrepreneur I put everything I learned in two distance studies and over 50 online courses to create my very own course. Helping people make a career change and impacting their lives by teaching valuable skills I acquired myself along my journey. I strongly believe in the power of self-education, it should be more recognised by companies who are looking for passion and goal-driven individuals. Until then I use my voice to further make an impact in the education industry and show what self-taught’s are made off. Everyone deserves a fair chance in the job market, formal- and self-educated.